About Katrise Jones Access

Katrise Jones Access is all about getting the latest updates about Katrise Jones, from Fashion | Hair | Entertainment | Mentoring | Community | News from the Salon. You will get it all . You have full Access to Katrise Jones.

Hello, my name is Katrise Marie Jones and most people associate me with my cousin Lil Kim and as the owner of Salon Se Swa. While both are true I am also a professional business woman who is a respect speaker, fashion consultant and interior designer with my own label and brand. I am very passionate entrepreneur who has Motivation that Sells Itself in everything I do. With the opportunities available within the industries I represent through my brand I have chosen to expand my reach. I have a highly skilled Team with whom I collaborate with for mutual benefit and my circle of influence is very extensive. Please use the Contact Me page to learn more or to schedule an appearance. Thank you for taking the time to review my site and for contacting me for more information.